Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunter or cage animal ? The choice is yours

Cage animals ( those people working somewhere for a salary) as a rule are very careful to get involved in their own businesses and thus becoming Hunters.  Without derogating the profession of professional workers there comes a time that the cage animals retire and then what ?  They take their pensions and go and hide in a corner of the world and live on their interest until the money runs out and they become cage animals again , now being fed by their offspring.

What other options are there ?  Of course you can start your own business - why haven't I thought of that ?
Ok now there is the legal requirements (The new companies act requires of anyone who start a business to register a company with all the requirements linked to this) There is the registration with SARS as an employer, for VAT , for UIF , for Skills development levies, register for workman's compensation, documents from Dept of Stats, legal requirements relating to Staff, work hours to be adhered to etc etc et all. Then of course there are all the acts and laws relating to running a business:  The Employment equity act, the consumer affairs act, Paya act, BEE requirements , Trade Unions and a few other nasties.  

But at least you can get a decent return on your investment :  around 8% nett if you are lucky.  But hang on - You can get that by just investing your money with Nedbank at 7.6% p.a over 60 months - so why all the hastle ?   You will now be getting at least R13 933.33 per month to live on utilizing your investment of R 2.2mil

How about getting R45 000 guaranteed as a 50% shareholder in your own business with all the hastles being taken care of ? And that in a growing industry ( the retail petrol/diesel trade )

Can't be done ?   Wanna Bet ?   Phone me for the information - No funny stuff - Just plain simple arithmetics

082 222 5002